There will be a Dark Moon on Saturday August 3rd which happens to coincide with the "Gay For A Day"  hash event during Gay Pride in Amsterdam. Details follow but mark it in your calendar. 

     There will be a run, we watch the parade with lots of booze and snacks and perhaps BBQ during/after the parade.

    It wil be warm, dress pink and be prepared to go for a swim (but only if you are not too drunk)

   Apart from the regular run fee we charge about €10 for the additional drinks and snacks and food. It could also be less than that. All depending on a lot of things we have not thought about yet. A few days before the run we need to know whether you are coming or not. "MAYBE" means we won't buy supplies for you.

We heard a rumour, hardcore FILTHHH-ers wanting to do a dark-side-of-the-moon-run in the evening. Fine, great, nice, no problem, FILTHHH can do whatever the hell they want. Most of us will be too drunk and fatigued to join in. 

You want a shirt ?

You pick your own size, model, material ect. You slab the logo on and hit the "order" button.

Save the logo to your device somewhere so you can opload it to your shirt design    DOWNLOAD  HERE

Or make your own design, or do not wear a shirt at all. Or you prefer a dress, everything goes !

